Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Less Carpimer!
Today is my niece's FIFTEENTH birthday. WOW. I remember her sitting at the table at my mom and dad's when mike and brandy first got married (or something like that..they were together anyway) and you would ask her to say her name and it came out Less carpimer. We still call her that. So i wanted to shout out to her HAPPY BIRTHDAY and i hope you enjoy your seafood lasagne.

On another note, mom had a CAT scan done on Monday and all is clear. Looks good.


BlueRose said...

Very nice boys are so hard to make cards for but you did a great job on it.

Cindy said...

Les will love the card, she was so dang cute as a little girl. I used to love to hear her say Les Carpimer!!!!!