Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Halloween Party...part 1

Our Halloween party was a great success..the kids had a marvelous time! Altogether we had (I think) 85 children show up. Great turnout when you send out 125 invitations.
I have some pics..some are dark..i did lighten a few. The pics I am posting tonight are of my sister Deanne (or Mesmeralda) and the room we had decorated for her. She was a gypsy fortune teller and was THE HIT of the party.
Great job to all my sisters for throwing a WONDERFUL party..can't wait for next year now!

I will post more pics tomorrow.


Ruth.E said...

Tell me more about Mesmerelda? What sort of things did she say to the kids? I could do this at my kids party this weekend but as an ex tarot and palm readerI am uncertain.

Cindy said...

Mesmerelda is my sister, Wendy has 4, and a sister in law we had to let into the fold. Mesmerelda did some internet searching and downloaded some tarot cards, she had 3 coffins, 1 had a ring, 1 a feather, and a penny, the kids chose a coffin, the coin meant wealth, the feather meant long and healthy life, the ring meant love. The kids got in line 3 and 4 times. She was the highlight of the party. She had the dress up clothes, the jewelry, and the kids loved her. She sat in a spare building that sits between the house and the big metal outbuilding,(where the main party and games took place) it was a perfect place for her to be. She has a whole year to learn more for next year, and will wow them with more of her wisdom, I am sure. She had a crystal ball, too that was awesome! Oldest sister: Cindy

Deanne said...

When using the crystal ball I would say things appropriate to their age like "you are going to get something special for christmas or birthday." or for the older girls I would tell them that I saw a young man in their future. Or I saw love in their future. I would tell the boys that I saw them winning a game or a there was a girl in their future etc.. I kept it very simple and only spent approximately 5 minutes per kid. Of course most of them came back 4 or 5 times. I also used hidden items in boxes 3 colored candles to tell their fortunes. Deanne

Ruth.E said...

Excellent, I cant wait. I am so doing this. I actually own tarot cards but I can pull out a certain few - the fool is travel, death is changes etc. I lve the coffing idea. You ladies are truly awesome, if only I lived closer I could have come and seen for myself. LOL.