Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meet Ellie
This past May, our dog Tucker had a litter of pups. Seven little bundles of fur, ok so one wasn't so little. His name was Frank. Anyway, as the weeks progressed, Riles and one little female puppy formed an incredible bond with each other. When Riles would call her name, she would come to her, and when Riles walked in the door, here she would come. Soon it was time to say good-bye to the puppies and we listed them for free on craigslist. In 24 hours all the puppies had homes. Riles sobbed. and sobbed. and sobbed. She didn't want to say good bye to Ellie. She was her best friend in the whole wide world, and she would miss her for her whole life. (riles words). So, the night that the last puppy left and Ellie was the last one remaining, Papa (Blackie) said to Grandma Pat, "If the Riles wants to keep Ellie, I guess we can keep her here." So, that's how we became the proud "foster parents" of Ellie. Riles' best friend in the whole wide world. (Danny thinks she's pretty cool too.)

1 comment:

JulesinParadise said...

I'm with Riles...such a cute pup!