Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Seizures, Ambulance rides, and birthday girls...
Yep..that was my night last night. Danny came home from school yesterday with a high fever yesterday..didn't really think anything of it. We have had fevers before, i thought it was just a virus and he would be all better in a few hours. Boy was I wrong. Last night at about 11:oo he woke up, went to the bathroom, fell two times so dad helped him and then put him in bed. About 10 minutes later, we heard "I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!!" we jumped up, turned on our bedroom light, and saw him in a full blown petite mal seizure. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I can't describe how it feels to see your child seriously ill, and not be able to help. So..we got to take an ambulance ride to Children's Hospital. Something I really do not ever want to do again! lol..He is home now. He has the influenza that has been going around, and he is reading his new dragon book, sitting in his new jammies, and mom is praying he will rest. I know this is not really going to happen, because MISS RILES turned FOUR today. So she is SOOOO excited about her gift..a dora magical castle, and a huge dragon fly balloon. Hopefully we will still be able to have their birthday party this saturday. Hopefully miss riles will not get this bug, because Chris and I leave next Friday for our trip!
Peaceful dreams,


supermom said...

Holy Cat Buckets. Omg, how scarey. give him hugs and kisses for me and i will call you tomorrow and see how things are. poor little guy! ugh!

huskers said...

How scary indeed. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!!

Brandy said...

Wow, when Chelle asked if Danbo was in the hospital, I thought it was just kids talking. SCARY!! So glad to hear he is feeling better.

JEN said...

HOLY CRAP! That is so scary! Glad to hear that he is doing okay and is "resting" at home! Happy 4th Birthday to Riley!! Where are you guys going on a trip too?! Did I miss something - or what? (my blonde hair is talking) heehee